Pre-Alpha Game Download

As part of our early testing phase, we’re releasing the pre-alpha version of our Community Deathmatch mode.
In this mode, players from communities or guilds can battle it out to be the fastest gun in the west, or wager there $VDT and Gold Dust in a game of poker.
Please note, this game is still in pre-alpha, and there may be bugs, glitches, or performance issues that we’re actively working on. Pressing F1 in game will bring up the bug reporting system.
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Current Build: v1.1.28

Help Us Improve!
Your feedback is crucial as we continue developing Chalk River. If you encounter any major bugs, issues, or suggestions, please use the link below for our Discord server to let us know.
Our development team will be working hard to push updates and improvements based on player feedback. We appreciate your support in helping us shape the future of this Chalk River game mode!