Luddy Mussy!
This past week we hosted our inaugural multiplayer deathmatch, the Chalk River Rumble!

Ten of the baddest outlaws took part in a shootout to the death, in the hopes of claiming the coveted "Golden Colt Peacemaker" revolver. This unique in-game weapon skin can be selected in your loadout and is sure to let folks know you ain't to be trifled with...
A truly one of a kind six shooter!
In addition to it's golden hardware, the gun also features an engraving on the grip that makes it a true collectors item.

Winners aside, all of the participants will be receiving our first game achievement. This badge is one of many in the achievement collection, and will be proudly displayed on your game profile and in your outlaw dashboard.
Wear it well, partners, and don't be afraid to brag!

Now for the important facts, who won the rumble?
Well that honor goes to Odin, with over 70 confirmed kills, he's a regular curly wolf.
Second place goes to NebulaMatrix who was responsible for the killin' of 40, and Druifke came in third with 32 souls taken.
Congratulations to these three gunslingers, well deservin' of our respect and caution!
For those of you with a yearnin' to learn more, you can watch some of the action here: